
Asian Nutrition & Food Energetics

The West has finally begun to recognize what the East has known for thousands of years – the healing force of common whole foods. This is important, especially in light of the fact that two-thirds of all deaths in America (i.e. coronary heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and some cancers) are attributed to improper diet and poor eating habits. Personal internal imbalances can be overcome through a variety of dietary modifications.

Asian and Western theories differ tremendously. Where the West is more concerned about the number of organic compounds, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids and the like, Asian nutrition is more interested in the energetic qualities of particular foods. Though foods can be used for medicinal purposes, their actions are much slower & milder than those of TraditionalChinese herbs. However, when used correctly for prevention and treatment, foods can reduce the use of other medicines dramatically or not at all.

Oriental Medicine offers another dimension to food analysis. Thousands of years ago, master healers in China perceived a way to classify food and disease according to simple, easily observed patterns: one eats cooling foods for overheated conditions or warming foods for patients who are cold in nature. Our modern diet has contributed to an explosion of inflammatory or toxic diseases. Oriental Medicine recognizes certain foods have a detoxifying effect on the body. Certain patients are very debilitated and require generalized strengthening and nurturing of their systems.

Meridian Harmonics provides individualized nutritional counseling for patients, based on their unique constitution and disease patterns. In addition to Asian nutritional therapies, Meridian Harmonics also provides Bio Energetic Metabolic Stress Assessment to determine a patient's overall wellness profile. Each patient has a unique energetic profile. Some are excess in nature, and others are deficient. Metabolic Stress Assessment allows for precise determination of correct therapies, whether they are based in nutrition, herbs or homeopathic remedies.

Though many patients strive to eat whole foods according to Western nutritional content, they find that they continue to suffer from debilitating health. Meridian Harmonics offers complete noninvasive sensitivity screening of foods in order to identify foods contributing to their health problems. This procedure can also be used to verify the efficacy of medicines or remedies a patient is currently consuming.